Student Group Guidelines

For academic-year expectations, please see this document.

For summer group expectations, please see this document.

Seminar - Grad Tips

For slides to “secrets of success” seminar, please see this link

Please email me directly for examples provided for graduate applications tips


Current Group Info

I currently work with eight students (7 undergraduate + 1 masters) who work on similar topics as myself, including photochemistry at early Mars, early Earth, and exoplanets.

I meet individually once per week with each student & together as a group 0.5-1x/week (academic year vs summer). At individual meetings, we discuss progress, results, and next steps together. Group meetings are generally held as a reading group.

I have worked with nineteen current and past students, primarily at the undergraduate and high school level.

For a list of student conference presentations, manuscripts, and research awards, please see my CV.

To access conference proceedings please click here.